Women's Art Collection
“I feel happy and proud. It comes from our Country. I like it and it’s good to see people like it too.”
The warnumamalya women of the Groote Archipelago are the proud custodians of traditional practices that have been passed down from grandmothers to mothers for generations. Artists work with locally collected mangkurrkw (pandanus), seeds, shells and contemporary mediums to create unique art that celebrate the old ways and contemporary takes on life on Country.
Quote: Artist Annabell Amagula.

Men's Art Collection
“We are keeping our culture strong, (our art is) important to show young-ones for future.”
Sustainably harvesting raw materials on Country, the senior and young men of Men’s Art are revitalising traditional art practices of ochre, amureba (bark) painting, sculpture and yiraka (digeridoo) making. Our artists take pride in their art and play an important role in community as mentors and promoting the continuation of Anindilyakwa culture.
Quote: Artist Elvis Bara

Bush Dye Collection
“When we bush dye we feel our ancestors whispering and talking and singing along the wind.”
Bush dyed textiles are hand crafted in communities across the Groote Eylandt Archipelago. Warnumamalya women hold ancient knowledge of their Country and dyeing practice from their ancestors. Using a variety of endemic roots, leaves, bark and berries, artists create unique textiles, reflecting the colours, textures, and landscapes of Anindilyakwa Country.
Learn more about caring for your Bush Dye here.
Quote: Artist Maicie Lalara

Ghost Net Collection
“Our weavings carry the story.”
Lost and forgotten Ghost Nets drift off the Eylandt coast, threatening the delicate Anindilyakwa marine ecosystem. With the help of Anindilyakwa Land and Sea Rangers, artists use traditional mangkurrkw (pandanus) weaving techniques to give new life to this environmental threat that would otherwise end up in landfill. Creating art that is durable, fun, and one-of-a-kind, our Ghost Net Collection tells a big story.
Learn more about ghost net retrieval here.
Quote: Artist Annabell Amagula

Preserving Culture Collection
The Preserving Culture Department (ALC) works in partnership with Groote Eylandt Archipelago communities to conserve and protect Anindilyakwa Cultural Heritage and to build a living cultural economy. All programs are guided by the Anindilyakwa people, their law and governance.
The Preserving Culture mission statement is:
Warnumamalya led programs sustaining, sharing, and celebrating strong culture.
The Preserving Culture department includes:
- Anindilyakwa Arts
- Anindilyakwa Music Program (AMP!)
- Groote Eylandt Language Centre
- Groote Eylandt Broadcasting
- Anindilyakwa Media
- The Men's Shed
- Anthropology