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Panel: AIATSIS Summit

Panel: AIATSIS Summit

05 – 09 June 2023 
Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre | Perth WA 

Anindilyakwa Arts, represented by Lead Arts and Culture Officer Danjibana Noeleen Lalara, presented at the 2023 AIATSIS summit with the AIATSIS Return of Cultural Heritage staff, Ophelia Rubinich and Iain Johnson.  

The presentation entitled, There is a Story and It’s an Interesting One: The Same Beach but Different Directions, the Anindilyakwa Return Project, focused on the 2022 on-Country consultations with Manchester Museum and their impacts – most notably the development of the Dadkikwakwa-kwa project.   

A follow-up presentation is intended for the 2024 AIATSIS summit following the journey to Manchester to receive the returned 174 cultural items and their return to Country. 

ALC Anthropology | RoCH | AIATSIS Summit 2023 from Anindilyakwa Media on Vimeo.


Danjibana also presented with Judy Lalara (Groote Eylandt Linguistics), Donna Mamarika (Groote Eylandt Linguistics) and Hannah Moody (ALC Anthropology) on the art centre’s participation in the annual Women’s Business Camps, including our Dadikwakwa-kwa making workshops.  

ALC Anthropology | Women's Empowerment | AIATSIS Summit 2023 from Anindilyakwa Media on Vimeo.


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